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❮Ethical❯ from Us Frostmourne

Raided on Sep 19, 2024
Guild Master
426 Guild Members

Rank Name Race Class Spec Role Faction Realm
5 Coldchip Blood Elf Death Knight Frost DPS Horde Frostmourne
8 Jizzelé Mechagnome Death Knight Frost DPS Alliance Frostmourne
5 Reeidah Troll Shaman Enhancement DPS Horde Frostmourne
3 Reidiculous Night Elf Demon Hunter Havoc DPS Alliance Frostmourne
5 Reidbook Night Elf Mage Arcane DPS Alliance Frostmourne
3 Reid Night Elf Druid Restoration HEALING Alliance Frostmourne
5 Gingercat Night Elf Priest Discipline HEALING Alliance Frostmourne
5 Muchengsu Night Elf Monk Mistweaver HEALING Alliance Frostmourne
6 Ginger Night Elf Hunter Marksmanship DPS Alliance Frostmourne
6 Zarcx Human Paladin Retribution DPS Alliance Frostmourne

Guild Recruitment

Availability for Ethical

19:30 - 23:30 CET


What we Need!
Roles Classes Specs Priority


  • We are a group that prides ourselves on high performance within limited raiding hours. We expect our members to be well prepared for each progression boss, whilst also being able to learn quickly from mistakes.
  • We are a progression focused guild, but we also maintain a friendly environment in and out of raid. At most times there will be groups of people hanging around Discord, playing WoW or a variety of other games.

  • Dungeons?




    Guild Raid Rankings

    ❮Blackrock depths❯

    Difficulty World Region Realm
    Normal N/A N/A N/A
    Heroic N/A N/A N/A
    Mythic N/A N/A N/A

    ❮Liberation of undermine❯

    Difficulty World Region Realm
    Normal N/A N/A N/A
    Heroic N/A N/A N/A
    Mythic N/A N/A N/A

    ❮Nerubar palace❯

    Difficulty World Region Realm
    Normal 8034 3661 209
    Heroic 85 51 2
    Mythic 22 6 2

    Guild Raid Progression

    ❮Blackrock depths❯

    Difficulty Normal Heroic Mythic
    Bosses 0/8 0/8 0/8

    ❮Liberation of undermine❯

    Difficulty Normal Heroic Mythic
    Bosses 0/8 0/8 0/8

    ❮Nerubar palace❯

    Difficulty Normal Heroic Mythic
    Bosses 8/8 8/8 8/8

    Raiders,Keystone Pushing,Hardcore,Achievement Hunter